17 dialogues, various lengths
thermal prints on 5.5cm cash register tape
installation variable
Black_Box_Love_Part_I is a series of transcribed dialogues from porn movies of the most popular, freely
online platform in the world. From the category Reality the most popular videos were used. The transcribed
start at the same time as the dialogues in the videos and end right before the actual sexual act.
By isolating the dialogue, the porn video as a whole is unmasked as a powerful hyper-fake product and
this black box various, complex and parallel levels of reality unfold.
The spoken word, which primarily serves to legitimize the sexual act and its image, is surprisingly
diverse. The
highly stereotypical figures meet now, reduced to their speaking, on a bizarre, often humorous level, with
roles and flattened hierarchies.
2019, exhibition view Wurm, Basel